Welcome to the Gypsy Horse For Sale Home Page.
This site is dedicated to helping buyers purchase, and sellers sell, Gypsy
Horses, Gypsy Cobs, Irish Cobs, and Gypsy Vanners ®.
Our mission at GypsyHorseForSale.com is
twofold. First, we wish to to provide buyers with a site to look at sale
horses from many individuals/breeders/importers that is user-friendly.
Secondly, we wish to provide all sellers with a central place to list their horses.
Ads are free with one photo and we request a link on your website for promotion.
The founders of GypsyHorseForSale.com do not make a commission off the sale of any listed horse. At this time, this page is
for "registered" Gypsy Horses (or pending registration)using proper registries.
Interested in a farm link?
You can list your horse by contacting this
email address: rosewaterfarm01 @ yahoo.com
Please send a brief description of your horse along with a photo if you wish.
GypsyHorseForSale.com is not responsible for the information in each ad that
has been submitted by the seller/representative for each horse.
GypsyHorseForSale.com does not verify the accuracy of the data, and assumes NO
liability in the purchase/sale of any horse listed. This is simply a sales list
for the benefit of buyer/seller of Gypsy Horses. Prices subject to change
without notice. Please do not contact this site for information on a listing, please
contact the seller listed.
Website established on May 21, 2004.
© Owned by GypsyHorseForSale, no reproduction without permission.